1960, B.Sc. Hons, University of Bristol, UK
1963, Ph.D., University of Bristol, UK
1963-4, Post-doctoral fellow, Univ. of Illinois, USA
1964-6, Post-doctoral fellow, Technion, Haifa, Israel
1966-2002, Lecturer, then Senior Lecturer, Lancaster University, UK
Research interests and publications on: alkaloid biosynthesis, organic synthesis, stereochemistry, organometallic chemistry, mass spectrometry, polymer synthesis, and chemical education.
2001-2004, Editor, University Chemistry Education
2005, Editor, Chemistry Education Research and Practice
The Lancaster contribution
"We at Lancaster became aware of this development in the late 1980s and recognised the force of the arguments for microscale based of increased safety, speed, economy and the reduction of chemical waste. One problem remained, the cost in the UK of the recommended glassware. To address this, I attempted to devise simpler and therefore cheaper equipment that was still effective for the carrying out of all the basic experimental operations..." (Breuer).
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